Our team's philosophy is to help our clients understand the market here in Park City so that they can be successful in the purchase or sale of real estate in our area. We strive to educate, not pontificate, and we let our clients set their own timetable without pressure from us.

I have recently been struggling as to how to communicate the realities of our market to buyers without sounding like a used car saleman. Nobody wants to hear that you must buy today or you will pay more tomorrow, it is too slick and smacks of self interest as a realtor to say that. But the realities of our market are clear to those of us that are actively involved in helping buyers search for properties, and here it is...

The longer you wait to purchase a property in and…

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It is easy for locals to love Park City, and maybe we brag about our town a bit too much, but there are times when the accolades must be shouted from the mountain tops. Such as now....

Ski Magazine readers have just ranked the three resorts in Park City in the Top Ten in North America,

Recognizing what locals and part time residents have long known. That is, Park City is the best ski town in this country, and possibly the best town period.

Deer Valley Resort ranked #2, Park City Mountain Resort ranked #4, and Canyons ranked # 10

For snow sliders, this easy to reach mountain mecca offers nearly 400 trails on more than 9000 acres of terrain on three world class resorts with the 'greatest snow on earth'. This picturesque town offers over 100 bars and…

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